Shadow the Bunny has just turned 9 months old! I adopted him on October 13th of this year, the week prior to getting him I had visited the pet shop and instantly knew that he was the bunny for me. He was tiny with big eyes and liked to sleep in the corner of his cage with his brother Fog, a gray and white-haired bunny.
I planned to get both of them but sadly the next week when I came back to adopt them the lady working there said someone had come in the day prior and got his brother and left Shadow. I was sad they were separated but happy that Shadow was still there.
The first couple of days after I got him he was very shaky and nervous around me which was expected because he had been abandoned before the store found him and took him in. I made sure to get lots of toys, chew sticks, and places for him to hide so he could feel safe. As the weeks have gone by, shadows have become very comfortable around me and feels very safe. He loves running around my room, jumping on my bed, and laying on my blankets.