Daylight savings just ended on November 3rd, 2024. The next daylight savings starts on Sunday, March 9, 2025, and ends on Sunday, November 2nd, 2025. While many know what daylight savings is, they don’t know how it works.
We set our clocks forward in the spring, creating the saying “Spring forward.”. In the fall, we set our clocks one hour back. We usually lose an hour of sleep in the spring and gain an hour in the fall.
We use daylight savings so people can make more use of the sunlight. The first daylight savings was on March 19, 1918. Germany was the first country to implement daylight savings time.
The idea of daylight savings was shown in an essay by Benjamin Fraklin in 1784. In 1907 an Englishman, William Willett, petitioned for setting the clock ahead by 80 minutes in four sets of 20 minutes from April and reverse in September.