Pancha and Pancho are 2 lovebirds. Pancha is a female and it is 6 years old, she’s a bright yellow lovebird. Pancho is the male and he is 8 years old, he’s the green one! No need to be scared when around them, they won’t bite you but instead they will nibble on you! Their favorite snacks are apples, boiled carrots, lettuce, and strawberries.
They can sometimes be very destructive when they’re feeling evil and clumsy. Whenever they are wandering around freely, you might want to hide those papers because they love to bite on paper! Their favorite place to sleep is either inside a box or a coconut they have hung in their cage, I’m not so sure why they like the cardboard boxes so much which is strange.
One weird habit of these two is that Pancha sometimes prefers to walk on the floor other than fly around, so whenever you’re around watch your step! Pancho will sometimes sit in his food bowl and just sleep or just stay there for fun! Just beware if you don’t get Pancha head scratches she will follow you around until you give her some scratches!