The play ‘Theater Under the Stars’ is a production directed by Mrs. Henry the drama teacher at WLMS. There will be many performances at the play, but there is no main event.
There are many different performances, and all are unique in their own way. The play is going to be on December 11th, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, and there is free admission so you can come see an amazing performance for free.
Here are some words from Mrs. Henry: “Theater Under the Stars is a collection of monologues, songs, dances, that all the drama students have been putting together.”
We suggest you go as it is free admission and anyone can go, even if they don’t attend your school. It could be a fun Christmas activity to go to. It’s just like the choir concert on the 17th, with the Christmas spirit in both of them or just winter spirit!
Hopefully, a lot of people will be there to support our drama kids! Remember free admission, which is just another reason to come because it’s free!