Every Friday starting today until winter break there will be dress down days on the sixth, thirteenth, and the twentieth.
The first dress down day that takes place on the sixth is “Rockin’ Sockin’ and Ugly sweater”. Dress like you are in a winter wonderland and wear things like gloves, mettens, hats, scarfs, and boots.
The second dress down day that takes place on the thirteenth is “Festive Flannel”. Your goal is to wear your favorite flannel (which only includes shirts, no pajamas).
And last but not least the third dress down day that takes place on the twentieth is “Festive Friday” Go all the way out in holiday gear to start the winter break.
Your first hour teacher will give house spirit points to each and every person that participates in the “House Holiday Happenings” every Friday. Make sure to earn those house points gators!