It has been 88 years since the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came out. Recently, Disney started making live action versions of all of their cartoon classics. After a long wait, Snow White fans are excited to say the new movie will come out shortly.
Snow White is said to be released March 21, 2025. Despite this, there is a slight chance of cancellation, due to some controversies during the filming process. IMDb has discarded these concerns, though the movie’s fate still might be up for discussion.
This film directed by Marc Webb, is about to make a lot of money at box offices. The movie Snow White itself already has a budget of 209 million dollars. The original only had 1.5, which was equivalent to about 33 million dollars back then. The cast features actors such as Racheal Zegler (Snow White), Gal Gadot (Evil Queen), Andrew Burnap (Jonathan), Martin Klebba (Grumpy), and Ansu Kabia (Huntsman).