The government of Scotland wanted to reassure people that cats would not be banned. The reason why they were planning was that each year they kill millions of endangered species of birds. The Scottish Animal Welfare Commission said they encourage cat owners to keep their domestic cats inside or on leashes if they want to take them outside. Some other ideas were to keep cats indoors at dawn and dusk. This can protect critters that wonder during these times and prevent cats from hunting them.
Some “cat containment” measures were recommended, meaning restrictions on introducing cats to households in vulnerable areas. Although the government said they would take the measures into consideration. Swinney, who heads Scotland’s semi-autonomous Edinburgh-based government spoke in the AP News saying, “Let me just clear this up today,” he said Monday. “The government’s not going to be banning cats or restricting cats. We’ve no intention of doing so and we will not be doing it.” Glad to say that the cats will be safe in their homes in Scotland.