Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He was born in Roman Britain and was kidnapped and brought to Ireland as a slave at age 16. He escaped but returned to Ireland and was believed to bring Christianity to its people.
We celebrate Saint Patrick’s day on March 17 (which was the day believed to have been the day that Saint Patrick died) to celebrate Saint Patrick. The color green is the color for Saint Patrick’s day because of Ireland’s landscape and because of shamrock’s popularity.
The four leaf clover is associated with Saint Patrick’s Day because the four leaves represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The fourth leaf is where the luck is.
Legend says that wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day makes the wearer invisible to leprechauns. The legend of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow began when they left the shores of Ireland and left some of their stolen gold behind. According to the legend leprechauns found the gold and buried it again so no human could ever find it.