To all those who so desperately cling to social media for their inconsequential affirmation: there is not enough time in life for fooling around with trivial junk like social media. The fact that people are resorting to this as a way to gain their self-proclaimed “popularity” is pitiful, and the fact that there are people who are obsessed with it is hopelessly bleak.
Whether people realize it and just do not care, or if they are simply ignorant, social media is poisoning the world in so many ways. For one, the amount of ludicrous, made-up words that are utter nonsense that pour out of people’s mouths because of social media is incredible. How deluded has society gotten to indulge in such foolishness? Just stop this malarkey, get off your phone, and live a little.
Another detrimental effect of social media is the loss of privacy. Apps like TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram steal your information. They can and will know your name, address, phone number, etc. (especially TikTok).
At the end of the day, social media is an overrated abyss of futile attempts at fame. How many brain cells do people have to lose for society to realize this void of toxic vanity that we have fallen into? How many minds have to waste away in front of their phones for people to do something about it? People who already know the problem are left wondering when this will lead to the downfall of a once relatively respectable society — or if we are already there.