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Gator Gazette

The Student News Site of Wellington Landings Middle School

Gator Gazette

The Student News Site of Wellington Landings Middle School

Gator Gazette

Panthers Beat The Rangers in a Battle of The Eastern Conference

Image of Florida Panthers sign
Daanya A.
Image of Florida Panthers sign

The Florida Panthers were battling it out with the New York Rangers. When Ryan Lomberg scored the tiebreaking point that let the Panthers win 4-2.


Florida Panther player Sam Reinhart scored twice during the game. When they won this game, it was their 5th winning streak for the 15th time in 17 games. Gustav Forsling set up the winning game point by using a loose puck in the neutral zone. Anton Lundell also added an empty netter with only 58.2 seconds remaining. On top of that, the Panther’s goalie Sergei Bobrovsky saved them 26 times.


As of right now, the Panthers have the best record in NHL history. The Panthers have improved a lot since 2020. The Panther’s opponent, The Rangers tied the score with 4 minutes and 34 seconds left in the game. After they tied the score, Kreider shot the puck into the goal at an angle which caused the Florida Panthers to win the game.  


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About the Contributor
Daanya A.
Daanya is a 6th grader and this is her first year in journalism. She enjoys baking and doing gymnastics. She loves to spend time with her family, friends, and binge-watching TV shows.

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