With every prohibition the school has brought, there is always a good reason to accompany such, Such as the current topic at hand, which is the fact that students haven’t been allowed to eat their lunch in classrooms since the 2022-2023 school year.
Since there are many ways that the pest problems can be prevented, especially by students, I will explain why this should be allowed again.
One of these can be by enforcing mandatory cleanups of the classroom floors by the students and teachers after the lunch session ends. Usage of posters, ads, and reminding students in the GNN are some of the ways we can promote cleaning up the floors after lunch.
Further aiding these efforts can be by encouraging students to report potential presence of pests. Which can be encouraged by posters and GNN reminders.
Overall, these efforts of promoting student aid by allowing them to eat lunch in their classrooms can serve many positive consequences for the school, as well as allowing for lunch to be more appealing to students.